Track Meat IV
By: SimJanus

I felt a cold breeze blowing over my face. My eyes were closed tight, yet I was becoming aware of myself again as I slipped back into consciousness. I felt like I was coming back to life, and was trying to sort out jumbled thoughts on who I was, or where I was. My throat was so dry, it felt like the last meal I had was saw dust. My body felt like it hadn’t been used for years, as I tried with great difficulty to move my fingers, hands, feet, and legs. After a few long minutes of fighting with myself, mentally and physically, I realized that I had just woken up from a long sleep, and opened my eyes.

Lying on my back, I looked up to what I thought was the ceiling of my bedroom. Again, my mind raced with confusing thoughts, as I stared at a landscape totally foreign to me. I wasn’t in my bedroom at all, but somewhere else. I strained my eyes to bring them into focus, as I kept studying my new surroundings. I fought with some pain as I tried to lift my head and look around me. I leaned over on one arm and looked at the walls of my room, and a cold sweat came over me immediately. I couldn’t swallow, or even breathe, as I finally wrestled to a conclusion that I was in some sort of gigantic cage. “What in the hell,” I thought, as I continued to look around me with my eyes wide open. It finally dawned on me that I wasn’t in my bed, but on a large sheet of cloth, with some sort of tarp lying over me for cover. Lifting the tarp, I noticed that I was completely naked underneath. Pushing it away from me, I forced myself to slowly get up. With great soreness and stiffness, I struggled to stand. My strange environment was cold, and I was shivering uncontrollably. Totally confused and disoriented, I looked around and realized that there was nothing familiar about this place. I was in what appeared to be a giant bird cage, sitting on a very large shelf or table top, with what appeared to be a night lamp that was as big as me, plugged into the wall next to the cage. The room was very dark, but with the dim light of the night lamp, I could still see that it had very high walls. A gigantic closed door occupied the opposite wall, only a few feet away from me. Everything was so extremely large, that I became quite disoriented, as if I was looking at everything through a magnifying glass. The walls looked as if they were at least 50 feet high, and the shirts and pants that were hanging on hangers and hooks were so big, they looked unreal, as if they were made for a giant. It almost looked as if I was in an extremely large oversized closet. On another shelf across the room from me, there was some very thick and large rope, coiled up in a loose pile next to a set of hand cuffs that were big enough to wrap around a redwood tree. The floor below me was carpeted, and it was littered with super huge shoes, mostly athletic shoes of various types, and I swear they were all big enough that I could almost live inside them. I studied the shoes with great curiosity; there was a humungous pair of white leather high top basketball shoes, a giant pair of wrestling shoes, and several pairs of running shoes. “Wait a minute”, I said to myself as I stopped and focused on one pair of shoes in particular, “those are the same dirty running shoes I recently untied and took off of my master’s feet! And the hand cuffs and rope on the shelf looked like the same items used on me during my earlier encounter with him”

Then it all came back to me, flooding my mind like a horrible tidal wave. My nightmare immediately turned into a frigid reality, as I remembered the young guy I just met such a short time ago, who laughed and told me I was going to shrink down in size, and that I was going to be his meal!

“Oh my God,” I thought with my heart pounding wildly, “it actually happened, just as he said it would.” He shrank me down after all. I kept looking around, now terrified at the predicament I was in. I slowly stumbled over to the bars of the cage and grabbed them firmly with both of my hands. They felt like cold steel, and I desperately tried to move and bend them with absolutely no success. I looked around again, and noticed that the cage had a giant gate to it. I walked over to the gate, and observed right away that it was closed and locked with a giant padlock. I desperately looked around for a way out of the cage, for what seemed like well over an hour, and found none. I was fatigued, hungry, thirsty, and cold, and finally came to the conclusion that there was nothing I could possibly do but wait. I walked back over to my make shift bed, laid down and pulled the tarp back over me to keep warm. I looked over to the opposite wall, and focused on the closed door. My eyes now became glued to that door, as I realized that sometime soon, this giant dude was going to open it, come in, drag me out of the cage, and eat me. My heart was pounding, and despite how cold the room was, I was perspiring. I have never seen a giant before, and yet sometime soon, I was going to have my first experience with one. I was swimming in a sea of fear, and I felt like I was drowning. I wanted to get out of this mess, badly, and go back to my dull life. Yet I realized I was now trapped in this new freaky world, and for better or worse, like it or not, I was stuck here.

Hours passed by, and without realizing it, I dozed off again into a restless sleep. Suddenly, I was jolted awake by a loud noise. I heard what sounded like a door slam in another room. Keys dropped on a table, probably on the living room table, I thought. I nervously grabbed on to the tarp over me and covered myself up to my neck, subconsciously thinking that it would give me some protection. My eyes were now glued again to the door, and slowly, I slid my view down to observe the gap underneath the door. I heard what sounded like a light switch turn on in the room on the other side, and light was now creeping through under the door. I anxiously studied that gap for a sign on when he would make his entry into the closet. There was movement on the other side, and giant footsteps walked back and forth, casting a passing shadow through the gap. From time to time, I could hear drawers opening and closing. I heard a loud gush of water that sounded like a waterfall, not far from the door, then a toilet flushed, swirling away what sounded like an ocean of water, drawing a picture on my mind of my master urinating in the bathroom, possibly the same place I cleaned myself a short time ago. The loud footsteps faded away, and A TV came on in a distant room or corridor somewhere, probably the living room I thought, and broadcasted the nightly news. The refrigerator door opened and closed, and I could hear what sounded like a can of beverage being popped open, bringing back the memory of the can of beer that my companion had recently gulped down his throat. My eyes stayed glued to the gap of light seeping into the room, and after what seemed like a long half hour had passed by, the shadows of two feet quietly appeared at the door once more, but this time remained stationary. My heart stopped beating, and I couldn’t breathe or swallow. I knew he was standing right outside the door, and I thought to myself, “this is it. Here he comes.”

The door knob turned, making a loud racket that echoed throughout the entire room, and the huge door slowly swung open. A gigantic but familiar face appeared through the opening and looked right at me. It was my master, but now, he was incredibly huge, standing at least 3o feet tall! My jaw dropped open. Once more, a smile appeared on his face as he observed that I was now awake. He pushed open the door completely and stepped into the room with a loud and deep thumping footstep. With his big hand, he lifted my cage effortlessly, and brought me out into his bedroom, and laid the cage down on to the nightstand next to his bed. He was dressed in dirty work clothes, and had on enormous work boots. I could smell his body odor, and could tell that he had been sweating all day. I strained my neck and looked up at him, observing his giant body towering over me. He was looking down at me with a devious grin on his grimy face, staring at me, studying me, and drinking another can of beer. Even though I had the tarp over my body, I still felt so exposed and naked. I was now totally embarrassed and humiliated. I kept thinking to myself over and over again, “he actually did it. I can’t believe that he shrank me! I can’t believe this has happened to me. This can’t be real.” Meanwhile, all along, I had this sick feeling that I kept trying to fight off, amplifying itself more and more, that it was now possible for him to easily pick me with one hand and eat me if he wanted to, in one gulp, and I was totally helpless to prevent it. My fear now became a piercing reality, and gripped me so tight that I could hardly breathe. He was now god over me, and not only was he my master, but he now had the power of life and death over me. I felt so small, in more ways than one. I felt like an insignificant bug before him, and he could easily squash the life out of me if he wanted to.

“Hi little slave,” my giant master said in a loud and deep sounding voice, and with a gloating smile on his face. “You’re finally awake. You’ve been out for days. I was worried about you, and thought you were going to get away from me by dying on me. But I got one of my little friends to look you over and take care of you, and he told me you were alive and fine.”

“What little friends?” I asked myself as I quietly stared at my giant friend in total awe.

“I told you I was gonna shrink you down. Now do you believe me?” He laughed, as he lifted his beer can to his mouth, and drank another large gulp of beer. I watched him put his big wet lips to the can, and saw his throat bulge as he swallowed the beer down, making a large gulping noise, and realized that this was a path I was destined to be taking soon, possibly even now. I shivered again at the thought.

“Yes Master,” I stuttered a reply back to him in total obedience. “What are you going to do to me, “I said, shaking with fear? I anticipated his answer, yet I kept thinking that somewhere in all this chaos, there was some salvation waiting for me, something that would change for my good. If he was able to shrink me down like this, maybe he could restore me back to my original size. Maybe, I thought, this is all some nasty joke he was playing on me. Maybe I will be getting in my car in few minutes, drive home, and go back to my dull and boring life.

“I told you I was going to eat you, didn’t I?” he said, as he continued to smile and sip his beer. A minute or two of uneasy silence passed, as he stood there, eyeing my entire body from head to toe. I looked back at him, my eyes totally frozen and fixed to his eyes, still not believing this whole scene was real. He downed another mighty gulp and crushed the beer can with his huge hand. My ears were so sensitive now, that it sounded like a building that was made of steel just came crashing down. He dropped the crushed can into a giant trash can on the floor, took a key out of his pocket, and unlocked the padlock to the cage I was in. After removing the lock, he opened the cage, and I knew what was coming next. His huge hand came into the cage, rapped completely around my entire body with such incredible force that it forced all the air out of my lungs, and lifted me up and out onto the surface of the giant nightstand. After roughly dropping me on the surface, he leaned over me, his large head only inches above me, and breathed down heavy waves of beer breath that washed over my entire body. He continued smiling and staring at me, making me feel smaller and smaller. I felt so exposed, so naked, so insignificant, so helpless, and so violated. His big wet tongue came out of his mouth, made of thousands of tiny taste buds drenched in shiny saliva, and licked his huge creased lips. It was so big and close to me that I could hear the saliva swish on his lips as it moved back and forth. “Hmmmmm, you look soooo absolutely delicious to me. I can’t wait to eat you.”

I froze again, in absolute terror. “This is it”, I thought, “My last minutes of life on earth.” My eyes dropped down to his mouth. I studied his giant teeth, tongue, and enormous lips, and realized that I would shortly be in there, dying a painful death. I had no clue that my life would end this way. And to think that this all started with me going jogging, and only a short time later, I would somehow end up as a meal for another man. Yet, even as a giant threatening to eat me and snuff out my life, I still couldn’t help thinking how gorgeous he was. My mind suddenly seemed to go full circle, as I continued to think about him. Something on the back of my mind kept nudging at me, telling me that this wasn’t entirely a bad thing. I enjoyed worshipping him, I enjoyed having him fuck me and having his way with me. Why wouldn’t I enjoy being eaten alive by him? If I had to die, would this necessarily be a bad way to go. My mind kept racing on with conflicting thoughts, until he backed his head away from me and stood up straight. His face once again, seemed like miles above me.

“Today is your lucky day slave”, he said. “I’m not going to eat you today. Not today. I have other plans for you. And besides, since I thought you were going to die on me, I went out and brought in other food for me to eat. So I don’t need you, at least not for the time being.”

“I knew it”, I thought to myself. “I knew this had to be a bad joke. And now he is going to return me back to normal.” For a moment, I was happy and relieved at this change of events. Yet at the same time, I felt disappointment. In a weird and sick way, after pondering about it, I was starting to entertain the thought of him eating me, especially since he was so hot and attractive. I wondered what it would be like to be in his hot mouth. Watching his big wet tongue glide across his lips actually turned me on. I started thinking about how my body was going to broken down and used as fuel for his body to sustain life. And he changed his mind. I looked at him in wild anticipation, on what was going to happen next.

His giant massive hand came back over me, and once again, with tremendous force, it engulfed me and lifted me off the nightstand. He made a gentle fist that wrapped around my entire body. Turning, he walked out of his bedroom, past his kitchen and into his living room. I could feel every step he took, my body lifting up and dropping down what seemed like dozens of feet at a time, and a rush of wind blowing in my face, as he casually walked from one room to another. I thought I was going to get sea sick. He walked by a pile of clothes in the corner of the room outside of his bedroom, the same pile of clothes I noticed the other day, and this time, I specifically noticed that my jogging clothes and shoes were laying on that same pile. I attempted to study and analyze the pile as we walked away from it, but had no time to formulate any thoughts, as events were taking place faster than I could comprehend them.

We entered the living room, a room I recognized entering through the front door on my own two feet only a short time ago. The TV was on, blaring out the nightly news. Sitting down on a chair in front of the TV, he placed me down on to the carpeted floor. As he opened his massive fist, I lost my balance and fell on to the carpet, and observed how dirty it was, covered with lint, giant crumbs, dirt and dust. I quickly brought my attention back to my main concern, the giant that sat before me. I looked up at him, and it felt like I was looking up at a mountain of a man, towering miles above me, dressed in dirty jeans and a dirty T-shirt, with dirt and sweat on his face. I couldn’t help notice his work boots, and finally realized why he brought me out here. No sooner than I thought about his boots, he lifted his legs, untied his boots, slipped them off, and placed his feet back down on the floor in front of me. He still had his socks on, and even though they were white, they were extremely filthy, scared with dirt and brown marks all over. His feet were so large, they almost seemed like they ran the length of my entire house. He slid both feet up to my body, and then wrapped them around me until I was totally submerged in sweaty and smelly socked feet. The heat, dampness, and smell were so powerful, that it totally overwhelmed me, as I was bathed by the sweat and smell from his big feet. I started to get dizzy and light headed, as I inhaled the powerful vapors emanating from his damp socks. He rubbed his feet back and forth on me, and there were times that I could not see anything but his large white dirty socks, totally covering me and blocking everything else in sight. Once more, I started to get a hard on. I thought to myself, that this was something I always dreamed of, and now I am living my fantasy. Even though I had no say or choice, I mentally let down my guard and accepted what he was doing to me. I am actually being totally absorbed into an ocean of sweaty socks and dirty feet, and I started to enjoy it. When I had the chance to see past his socks, I looked up at him, and noticed that he wasn’t even paying attention to me. Instead, he was just watching the news on his TV while drinking his beer. Without any further thought or conversation, I buried my face into his socks, and started to hump his feet, harder and harder. He continued to rub me back and forth, and I continued to be totally bathed by his sweaty socks. After only a few minutes of total ecstasy, I finally got off. Once again, after I ejaculated and stopped humping, he moved his feet away and looked at me with another smile.

“You got off again, didn’t you?” he asked, as if he already knew the answer.

I was so overcome by experiencing his feet that I fell to the floor as they parted from me, dizzy and high. I looked up at him, out of breath and exhausted, and nodded my reply “yes master, I did. Your feet are so awesome. I couldn’t contain myself. Thank you.”

“You see, little slave, I’m not that bad of a master. I knew you would love having my giant feet on you. It is the least I can do, before I have you for a meal.”

“But master, I could be your pet and foot slave for the rest of my life, if you would have me. Won’t you please reconsider? I love your feet, so very much. I would live to serve you. I would do everything I could to make it worth your while. Won’t you at least think about it? Please.” I pleaded with my master, hoping that somehow he would change his mind.

He shook his head and responded to my plea, “Sorry dude. As much as I enjoy watching you grovel at my feet, and worship me, I get off on eating guys like you. It’s a high for me. It turns me on, and I get off doing it. To me there is nothing hotter, than chomping on a guy’s bones while he is still alive, or better yet, swallowing him whole and feeling him squirm on the way down to my stomach. Ahhhh, man that turns me on so much.” He gleamed, and his eyes went real big as he reached down and rubbed his crotch. “And since I like you a lot, I will get an even bigger thrill eating you. I am looking forward to it so much, that I am already getting a hard on, just thinking about you.”

In total defeat, I looked down at the carpet and mumbled to myself loud enough for him to hear, “then I guess there is no way you could restore me to my normal size. I guess this is it for me.”

His eyes lit up at my comment, and he responded, “What if I could restore you? How much is it worth to you? Would you pay me money?”

I looked up at him with restored hope. “Hell yes, I would pay you money, if that is what it takes to bring me back. Can you. Could you bring me back?”

“I’d consider it, but I won’t promise you anything. I took your bank debit card out of your wallet. How much money do you have in the bank?” he asked.

“I have $3,000 dollars in my checking account, and it is all yours. Please, I want to be restored back to my original size. Will you do it for me?” I asked, with my spirits elevated with renewed hope, as if I’ve been given a second chance in life.

“Give me your pin number. I will take the money out, and then I’ll think about it, slave. “

I gave him my number. What else could I do? At least this would possibly buy me a chance. If he took the money, and still decided to eat me, I was no better off than I am now, so I felt I had nothing to lose. Besides, once I am dead and gone, my money wasn’t going to do me any good any more.

“Alright slave. It’s dinner time for me. My stomach is growling, and I desire food” he said, as he rubbed his stomach and licked his lips. I gulped again, fearing that he might still change his mind and throw me into his mouth and crush me with his teeth.

He got up out of his chair and towered miles above me, as he looked down on my tiny body. He reached down, grabbed me, and picked me up with complete ease. Switching off the TV with a remote, he turned and walked into his kitchen. Opening his refrigerator, he pulled out a slice of bread, and a small bottle cap filled with water. I was carried back into his bed room, and placed back into my temporary home, the bird cage, along with the bread and water. The gate closed, the padlock slapped on and shut, and my cage was airborne again, heading for the closet where I originated from a half an hour ago. He placed me down gently, then got down on one knee and looked at me with a smile.

“Now, you be a good little slave, and eat all your food. If I decide to eat you, I want you to be nice and fat for me. Do you understand?”

“Yes Master” I said, thinking to myself that I just got suckered into giving him my banking pin number so that he could have access to my money, while the entire time, he had no intention of letting me go. Cold fear gripped me again, as I once more realized that I was going to be his future dinner.

He got up and stepped out of the closet, closing the door behind him. I looked at the bread and water, and my hunger for food overcame me, as I dove into the bread and stuffed my face. I guzzled the water, as if I was putting out a fire in my stomach. I ate, and ate, and ate, uncontrollably, until my master made his entry back into the bedroom, outside my door. I heard voices, and stopped feasting, to determine if I could make out what was being said.

“No, please, I beg you. Please, please, please. Don’t eat me. I don’t want to die. I beg you, Please” I heard, faintly, straining my ears, trying to figure out who was pleading, and why.

“Shut the fuck up, you little piece of shit. My dinners don’t beg. They just get eaten, and now it’s your time. You look so hot and tasty. I am already getting hard thinking about swallowing you”

I heard what sounded like him rubbing his cock while masturbating. Again, I heard the familiar line, “Oh yes, this is going to feel real good. Hmmm, yes. Here goes…”

“No, no, noooo” I heard, as the plea became muffled. I could still hear the faint voice, crying out in fear, but now it sounded like it was totally muffled, and coming from inside something.

“Hmmmm” I heard my master say, as I could tell he was masturbating, rubbing his cock back and forth. “Hmmmm. Hmmmm”, I heard again, and again. And then, total silence filled the air.

“Ahhh, yes. Excellent. That was great.” I heard him get out of his chair, switch off his bedroom light, open and close the refrigerator door, another can of beer popped open, and the TV in the living room came back on. I heard several loud belches, and my master said in a loud voice, “This is fucking great! Yes!”

The End

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